Qualify your products with confidence – verify their performance, 安全, 使用im体育APP世界领先的PQT服务. With one of the largest and most complete sets of product qualification testing capabilities and services available, 我们可以帮助您推动整个航空航天领域的创新, 建设, 消费产品, 国防, 数字工程, 能源, 生命科学, 运输, 和电信.
产品 qualification testing (PQT) is the evaluation of a product to ensure it meets defined standards and regulations. 通过一系列的测试, 它验证性能, 安全, 并符合im体育平台app下载要求. This process guarantees your product's 质量 and reliability, assuring that your products are safe and fit for purpose before entering the market.
- R的策略支援&D挑战: 我们的专家提供重要的专业知识, aiding you in overcoming intricate research and development challenges.
- 有效测试,加快产品上市时间 健全的测试程序可以节省时间和金钱, ensuring a faster time to market and superior product outcomes.
- 全面风险缓解: 旨在将风险降到最低, our program improves product reliability and 安全 through thorough iterative testing and full life-cycle guidance.
- 全球市场准入与合规: International certification programs and accredited reports facilitate swift 全球市场准入 across all continents, 确保遵守法律和政府规定.
- 端到端保证和专业知识: 拥有超过100年的测试经验和ISO 17025, ISO 9100, NADCAP, 和JOSCAR认证, 我们为您提供端到端的服务, 证明你的产品是安全的, 质量, 和兼容.
im体育APP collaborates with customers in cutting-edge research, development, and testing. Whether it's the integral components of future aircraft and spacecraft, 自动驾驶汽车的突破性创新, 用于人体的精密医疗植入物, 或者是最新的数字和无线通信设备, im体育APP is at the forefront of providing expertise for product 安全 across a diverse range of industry sectors.
在我们最先进的测试设备中, 我们通过电磁模拟现实世界的条件, 环境模拟,气候,和 机械测试 推销你的产品. We help your creations to stand resilient against lifetime challenges, providing you with the assurance that your product is tested and certified for success.
im体育APP提供了常规测试(Dynamics, 气候, 和EMI/EMC),以及专业和定制测试. 我们的目标不仅仅是成为你的测试屋, but your active partner in helping to achieve your end objectives. 我们的 experts can design custom test rigs that can benchmark failures in the field, allowing for improved redesigns that can be tested for success very quickly. 我们为您提供一站式服务,满足您的任何测试需求.”
航天元件技术总监 & 国防
我们的 comprehensive product qualification testing process is designed to empower customers at every stage.
- 建议: We offer a robust testing program for cost-effective and accelerated market entry. 我们的 experts can help you to overcome complex challenges, ensuring successful outcomes from the start.
- 测试: 我们的 leading engineering simulation and testing facilities in North and South America, 欧洲, 和亚洲复制电磁,气候,和 mechanical conditions encountered in a product's working life.
- 认证: 我们的 国际认证 program helps you understand the requirements of your target market, 确定需要哪些标准和测试, and compile the technical documentation needed to apply for certification.
- 市场准入: 我们的 approvals team uses our accredited test reports and in-country authorities to give you fast 全球市场准入 到世界上几乎任何地方.
作为您的全球市场准入合作伙伴, 我们提供一套全面的端到端服务, 通过ISO 17025认证, ISO 9100, JOSCAR, 和nadcap认可的实验室, 确保无与伦比的客户信心. 拥有超过一个世纪的测试经验, our customers trust us to deliver unparalleled product qualification testing across diverse industries.
For more information about our global product testing services or to request a quote, im体育APP 今天.
了解更多 关于im体育APP and our credentials within the testing, inspection, and certification industry.
为什么这么多产品没有通过安全检测? Read our helpful guide to ensure your electrical products pass their 安全 tests first time.
了解更多Understanding the requirements for Global Market Access (GMA)
Read our article to learn what Global Market Access (GMA) is and how to gain certification for your wireless, 电子, & 全球无线电设备.
Click on one of the links below to find out more about our 产品 Qualification 测试 Services
Find out how im体育APP delivers electromagnetic compatibility testing (EMC) solutions to RTCA/DO-160, MIL-STD-461和Def-Stan 59-411标准.
We can help with EMC and 安全 testing and assist manufacturers who want to take their radio and wireless product to the global market
im体育APP is the ideal partner to help electrical device manufacturers, importers and distributors obtain the fast and efficient product 安全 testing and certification needed to trade their products worldwide.
Find out how 元件提供综合海拔,湿度,温度 and vibration test to simulate real-world environmental conditions for the 航空航天 sector.
综合温度、海拔、湿度 & 振动测试
元件提供综合海拔,湿度,温度 & vibration testing to meet test requirements and simulate real-world conditions.
了解更多 关于im体育APP’s structural dynamics testing services, 提供可靠的, 全球最关键im体育平台app下载的一致数据. 从航空航天到建筑, 我们帮助确保您的产品适合使用, 不管是什么应用程序.
Find out how im体育APP's vibration testing services help to make certain that the products we test for our customers will perform safely and as expected when in the field.
Find out how im体育APP's comprehensive fuel system testing programs simulate in-service conditions at our world-class testing facilities.
RTCA DO-160测试
使用im体育APP, our clients enjoy access to the most comprehensive EMC and environmental testing capacity of any independent 航空航天 product qualification testing company in the world.
Find out how im体育APP works with airplane manufacturers to produce and design equipment that can operate in fuel-air explosive atmospheres.
Optimize your project with our modeling and simulation services. 我们的专业知识确保具有成本效益,符合要求的解决方案. 今天加强你的项目.
im体育APP offers certification to the Matter smart home standard. 我们的 experts are one of the few test and certification laboratories globally to offer guidance and testing.